Dweets explained, pt. 3

by Lucio Paiva (2018-12-02)

Spread the word around

In this third part I make my own dweet based on p01's original idea.

See it on dwitter.net

After studying Henri's code, I decided to change it to make some kind of rotating LED display showing some message.

Here's my initial code, before any golfing:

const d = "帀^㰀䉂䉂~䁀䁀繀䰀ሲሒ~䈼䉂㱂縀ဠ‐~㰀䉂䉂<䁀䁀繀䀀䁀䁀~䩂䩊繊縀ࠈࠈ~";
const w = c.width = 1920 >> 3;

// uncomment to get cool colors
// x.fillStyle = "#000";
// x.fillRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
// x.fillStyle = "#0f0";

const nc=76;
for(let i=0;i<8*nc;i++) {
    const ix=i/8|0;
    const a=(ix/nc)*(Math.PI*2);
    if (C(t+a)>0) continue;
    const px=w/2-5+S(t+a)*100;
    const iy=i%8;
    const py=20+iy*15;
    const ci = d.charCodeAt(i/16) >> i % 16 & 1;
    const ch = "░▉"[ci];
    x.fillText(ch, px, py);

The algorithm

Let's start breaking it into parts. First, there's the data string containing the message to be shown. I'm using the same technique described here to compress the message into an array of bits.

To make the banner I used this online app:

Then I basically got each column of the message and stuffed into one half of a UTF-16 character, bit by bit. Those letters are 6 chars tall, so 1 byte is enough to store a column and we even get 2 extra bits to spare. The message above uses 75 columns. I round it to the next even and, since each UTF-16 character holds 2 columns, I end up with a 38-char data string. Check this page's source code to see how I implemented it (it's at the very bottom of the page source). The resulting data is:

Next, we have a line setting the canvas width. It serves both to set a specific width, but also to clear the canvas. It's a well-known hack that does the same as `x.clearRect(0,0,c.width,c.height), but with less characters. Here I'm using one eighth of the original canvas width, hence the `>> 3` part:

const w = c.width = 1920 >> 3;

Then comes the for loop. We'll loop as many times as there are bits in the message (76 columns, each with 8 points):

const nc=76;
for(let i=0;i<8*nc;i++) {

Now I find out the index of the current column. I do that by performing in integer division by 8, giving me a number between 0 and 75:

const ix=i/8|0;

Then I get the current angle of that column with the respect of the rotation of the display:

const a=(ix/nc)*(Math.PI*2);

By doing (ix/nc) I map column index to a value in the range [0..1[ and then I multiply it by 2 PI.

Next I do something similar to what Henri did on his code:

if (C(t+a)>0) continue;

The difference now is that I cull positive cosine values. That gives the illusion that the cylinder is rotating clockwise. See, Henri made it rotate counter-clockwise, correctly following the Earth rotation. In my case, however, I want the message to come from right to left, so that's why I inverted it.

Now it's time to calculate the x coordinate of the point. Again, this is very similar to what Henri did:

const px = w/2-5 + S(t+a) * 100;

I start by adding a constant to center everything horizontally, then I rotate a vertical line (x=100) around the y axis, transforming it into a cylinder.

The y coordinate is even simpler:

const iy=i%8;
const py=20+iy*15;

I get the remainder of i/8 to serve as my bit index. Bit 0 draws a point in the first row, bit 1 on the second row, and so on, until bit 7 at the bottom row. To calculate py I start by adding a constant that serves as a top margin, then each point gets shifted 15 pixels down times it bit index.

Now, for querying the data:

const ci = d.charCodeAt(i/16) >> i % 16 & 1;
const ch = "░▉"[ci];
x.fillText(ch, px, py);

I get the UTF-16 character at position i/16, then I use the remainder of this division to fetch the correct bit. I shift it by that amount and then AND it with 1, to isolate it. The resulting character index (ci) is used to know which block character we'll print to the canvas. Then I finally call fillText() to print it. Phew!

Let's golf it

Now it's time to get it messier than it already is. This is my initial code:

const d = "帀^㰀䉂䉂~䁀䁀繀䰀ሲሒ~䈼䉂㱂縀ဠ‐~㰀䉂䉂<䁀䁀繀䀀䁀䁀~䩂䩊繊縀ࠈࠈ~";
const w = c.width = 1920 >> 3;
const nc=76;
for(let i=0;i<8*nc;i++) {
    const ix=i/8|0;
    const a=(ix/nc)*(Math.PI*2);
    if (C(t+a)>0) continue;
    const px=w/2-5+S(t+a)*100;
    const iy=i%8;
    const py=20+iy*15;
    const ci = d.charCodeAt(i/16) >> i % 16 & 1;
    const ch = "░▉"[ci];
    x.fillText(ch, px, py);
It's 378 chars long, but we don't need consts and lets:
d = "帀^㰀䉂䉂~䁀䁀繀䰀ሲሒ~䈼䉂㱂縀ဠ‐~㰀䉂䉂<䁀䁀繀䀀䁀䁀~䩂䩊繊縀ࠈࠈ~";
w = c.width = 1920 >> 3;
for(i=0;i<8*nc;i++) {
if (C(t+a)>0) continue;
ci = d.charCodeAt(i/16) >> i % 16 & 1;
ch = "░▉"[ci];
x.fillText(ch, px, py);
Down to 278 chars. Cut some variables:
d = "帀^㰀䉂䉂~䁀䁀繀䰀ሲሒ~䈼䉂㱂縀ဠ‐~㰀䉂䉂<䁀䁀繀䀀䁀䁀~䩂䩊繊縀ࠈࠈ~";
w = c.width = 240;
for(i=0;i<8*nc;i++) {
if (C(t+a)>0) continue;
x.fillText("░▉"[d.charCodeAt(i/16) >> i % 16 & 1], w/2-5+S(t+a)*100, 20+i%8*15);
220 chars. Here something interesting happened. I decided to remove the truncation hack (|0) from the column index calculation (ix) and a the display got tilted to the right. I kinda liked it, because it saves me two characters and the final result is interesting, so I'm keeping it, at least for now. Moving on. Let's end with the for block and turn everything into a single statement:
d = "帀^㰀䉂䉂~䁀䁀繀䰀ሲሒ~䈼䉂㱂縀ဠ‐~㰀䉂䉂<䁀䁀繀䀀䁀䁀~䩂䩊繊縀ࠈࠈ~";
w = c.width = 240;
(a=i/8/nc*Math.PI*2) &&
C(t+a)<0 &&
x.fillText("░▉"[d.charCodeAt(i/16) >> i % 16 & 1], w/2-5+S(t+a)*100, 20+i%8*15)

207 chars. Move the data inside, remove some spaces:

(a=i/8/nc*Math.PI*2) &&
C(t+a)<0 &&

188 chars.


Getting rid of nc, some spaces and a semicolon I forgot. 177 chars.


Shorten for loop by merging condition and increment parts and counting down instead of up. 174 chars.


Got rid of w: down to 170 chars.

Now moved variable a inside the cosine function and got rid of some line breaks, down to 164 chars.

Rearranged it to become a one-liner, but still with 164 chars.


Replaced Math.PI * 2 with 6.28. Down to 159 chars, 19 to go. I need to attack the computation of the angle:


This is screaming for help. To divide by 8 and then by 76 is the same as dividing by 608, our initial value:


158. We can also pre-sum t into a and avoid the sum occurring twice (for cosine and then sine):


156. By shrinking the canvas a bit, I got rid of some digits in decimal numbers:


153 chars, 13 to go. This is getting hard. I believe I still can manage to replace I*6.28 with some pre-baked number, but I'm still far from removing 13 chars. I think I chose a message that is too big. 76 columns are just too much information. For comparison, Henri's data was 24 chars long. My "HELLO WORLD!" message is 38 columns wide. If I changed it to, say, "DWITTER", it would require 7*7=50 columns, 25 chars, fitting nicely. Here's the new message:

Which encodes to:

And this concludes the task with 136 chars:


Thanks for reading and see you on the next part!

Back to part 2

Writen by Lucio Paiva