Lucio Paiva
My collection of writings.
Some (hopefully useful) online tools I've developed over the years.
Chrome extension to inject JS and CSS into any page. Think Greasemonkey for advanced users.
Tool to automatically open multiple ssh connections in iTerm2.
The fastest JavaScript priority queue implementation out there.
Simulation of resonant patterns in a Chladni plate.
A 3D planet manually rendered on a 2D canvas with dots. Include rings and a satellite :-)
A cellular automaton that plays rock paper scissors.
Playing with a manually 3D-rendered dancing DNA helix on a 2D canvas.
Playing with 2D canvas and shadow blur.
Playing with 2D canvas and shadow blur.
Generating fractals through random numbers.
Based on a Numberphile video.
Simulation of a Galton board.
Experimenting with Perlin noise to generate terrain.
Using Leaflet to navigate noise-generated terrain.
Electron app to show dollar exchange rates in system tray.
An Archimedean spiral of primes.
Experiment with domino placement.
A tree showing 2018 cup match results grouped by scores.
A simulation of thousands of particles using a custom quad-tree structure.
Interactive crawler for movie sessions made in Node.js.
Simulating ten thousand particles using HTML5 canvas and no GPU acceleration.
Using web audio processor node to test Karplus-Strong string synthesis.
A 2D cellular automaton sandbox with customizable rules and script editor.
Simple implementation of a perceptron running linear classification.
Compare some of the most famous cycling climbs using D3.js.
A remake of a very simple game I used to play as a kid, made in plain JS.
Experimental timeline web app made with D3.js.
Parses elevation gain and compares it with data from Google Maps API.
Experimental FIT file analyzer web app totally written in Javascript.
Simple and stupid web app to help testing malfunctioning mice.
CLI tool to filter and replace text using regular expressions.
Custom-made HTML input box mask experiment.
Tool to report status of several git repositories at once.